Helo my fellows frens we are at a crossroads in our nations hisory how shall we deal will the non frens in ourdr to keep fren worl safe we must find a solution

1  2018-11-10 by ufoguy33


Non frens should not be alowwed accros the border unles they becom frens. But thats just my oponon

When I visit 🇨🇦 frens they not joking around at that border

Have ur passport ready frens

Once a non fren always a non fren

Non frens cant become frens. Sorry fren.

The border should be protected with machineguns and handgrandes. () only in minecraft ofc)

Wen we fein teh solution, it shud be teh finle solution

A final solution you say?

I think non frens should b thrown out of their homes and pushed out of our free contry

Remeber to love non frens to.


Final solution to all non frens

force them to play minecraft where we will heard them in our obsidian ovens in mincraft where we can just all get rid of them because they will all be ashes, in minecraft of course.

Wow fren. Are you running for office?

Final solution