Hunting fer non frends >:(

1  2018-11-09 by captainbaugh


To bring them into fren community rite?

Of course fren don't you see he has fren bullets loaded?

Bop via karate kick preferred fren is less permanent ya know

In 2018 /u/captainbaugh was asked what it felt like to take a human life, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed nonfrens."

Based fren

Aim for the white of their eyes fren.

Fire to the balls perkele

It ain't me... it ain't me... I ain't no fortunate fren.

How much should we give, fren?

thats not a very frenly thing to do fren...

Anyone who runs is a non-fren.

Anyone who doesn't run is a well disciplined non-fren.

Of course fren don't you see he has fren bullets loaded?