Nooice Keitttty. Soft. :) Just a reminder for anyone suffering from depression, anxiety or friendlessness the Frog vs Feels church is a friendly community to join. You can find us at or r/greenvswhite . Stay frenly frens!

1  2018-11-08 by greenvswhite



Time for some ###bopping

bop spammer

Spammer has been bopped.

thx fren much safer

:/ r/greenvswhite

stop spamming your garbage

Wow. Whats with the hate fren?

Love it!!!

Love you fren :) 💖

Love u too fren! Come join us at FvF and post. Ill promote u to level 3

Go peddle your lame propaganda elsewhere nonfren🙄

stop spamming your garbage

thx fren much safer