I want to be fren like all of you, but I cannot draw, what should I do?

1  2018-11-07 by CourierIdiot


There are no ugly frens, pal.


I cant draw either fren

Trace fren. Then you”ll get the steps to draw one without a referens. Hope it helps

O I understand, thanks fren!

Just a heads up, fren, there are rules here and you're breaking them.

Only nonfrens break the rules. You're not a nonfren, are you?

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak

You keep referring to that rule, literally the only rule listed on the subreddit is:
<To remain an independent and frenly sub, we are removing non-Fren Posts. This includes any off-topic discussions, especially those associating us with other subs.>


Read the sidebar, nonfren.

What does no doggie zoomie speak mean, fren?

just explain wtf that even means then. how is "O I understand, thanks fren!" breaking the rules?

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak

It's doggo zoomo rarepupper speak. That violates the rules.

so we can't say "O", we have to say "oh"?. or is "fren" now banned in frenworld?

Are you disabled or are you just an asshole?

just ban me please, with a mod like you this sub is gonna go downhill fast. I don't wanna witness the slow death of a frenly place again

Did you draw this fren? I think it's pretty good ;)

Yes I did, thank you very much fren!

You draw good fren

Not fren in MS Paint important, but fren in heart important