Words hurt, frens. Even strong swole people can succumb to cruel things said in anger and you can't lift thise feels.

1  2018-11-05 by satanicpriest13


Words are only words, fren. They can get to you if you let them, but cant hurt u.

Perhaps the heaviest things we lift fren, are not our weights, but our feels.


I'm here fren. Tel me evrything.


You have many frens

We like angel only one wing

I wil fix wing. I wil be othr wing. I'm hear fren.

Long nose saw you making gainz, but said "you gainz only because you green skin". Why did he say those mean things to you Fren?

Mocking us because gains is all we have. Our finances and pillow fort security is controlled by banks. We lift in hopes of taking control of life but that is a cope.

Sticks and stones, fren.

Can forgive what said, can't forget how feels.