Had nightmare frens

1  2018-11-01 by MONTREAL_TAYLOR


Had a nightmare last night (Halloween night) I was stuck in the Halloween movie somewhere around the location of Michael Myers murdering people, and Jordan Peterson was the psychiatrist chasing him and telling him to sort his life out.

Jorden Peterson is a true fren

I don't know, he has a pretty big nose fren.

Does that matter, fren?

Nightmare is not real. We frens are

You frens suck, you're all pathetic nerds who can't find friends so you gather to form a shit group of low lifes Nd call it frens world. It really is pathetic

Frens, prepare the gaz chamber

It is a throw away account

We can’t gas a puppet

pls no bullying

What are you and your little frens going to do about it. Nothing

wy ar e you such mean https://i.imgur.com/b2bfYtX.jpg

Imagine being such a loser you actually think insulting kids who larp as autistic frogs is worth your time.

Not to mention you're so scared of them you have to use a throwaway account.

These nonfrens need to get a life

Imagine being such a loser you try to defend a pathetic sub reddit just so you can have pretend friends. And I'm not a non frens, I joined the frensworld. Thats right bitch im here to stay

Unironically calling someone "bitch" in 2018, on your alt account, on Reddit, pretending like you're a badass.

Ok buddy have fun with that

Ok "buddy" take it easy sit down and take a few deep breaths. You ok now? You're taking this too seriously you need to stop trying to protect your little group because theres nothing to protect, its the internet you need to grow up and understand people like to make fun of these groups.

you fucking bitch

Fuck you

Gets called buddy


If there is nothing to protect then why are you complaining about nothing?

We can't find frens? We are all frens. We found each other. Please be humble non-fren. Its fren world. Singular fren and singular world.

go to mommies bed fren it will be ok

I had a nightmare that sam Hyde came to my house and beat me up. Where are the reddit dream interpreters?