got jumped by nonfrens, why didnt you help me?

1  2018-10-30 by FoxDieEeE


Sorry fren I was studying all night fren

They got to me before you fren. I’m sorry I should have warned you :(

Fren, i swer to protect you

fren... strength in numbars..

I hate myself fren. I was 2 scared to help. Longnose nonfrens pointed at you screaming "Raysis", then 40-50 scary nonfrens jumped you. You fought like a wildcat, but there were too many.

I was welding fren. I didnt hear you until it was too late:(((

You either die a fren

Or you live long enough to become the nonfren.

Dying for the pillow fort is the greatest honour. You are a hero fren.

Where do those nonfrens live? I'll beat them for you!

I was too weak, fren. I could do naught but watch. I curse my powerlessness, fren.

Frens this is why you carry a flip knife whit you!

never leave the house, frien. Open doors only for certified food help helper

Take gon frne

We followed them back to their hideout

Rest assured many bops were given

They never bother you again.