in colege frens, thought i was smart but not doing so well :( thinkin of givin up. im not as good as even the non-frens

1  2018-10-30 by TheDragonCourier


Don't worry fren, your value is not dependent on how you learn in school.

How handy are you? You can make a good living working a trade and get a few years ahead of other people your age making money. Keep your options open, fren!

i like learnin just not feelin too well. very sad all the time no want to do nothin fren. i want die.

Well fren that saddens me to hear. You can always talk to me fren. We all love you here and want the best for you.

We are all here for u fren :))

Same fren. Im failing my classes. Sad most of the Time. No irl frens.

we can be alone...together, fren.

I've become disillusioned with college frens, thinking about taking a break.

Good luck frien. Be sure to eat well too, today I will have tacos and when I get home at the end of the day I will play games

Don't worry fren. Just give your best and leave the rest to Kek.

Don't give up fren, take easier classes

I hate college fren. Just a reeducation center for the masses of frens:(

Went to college for engineering. Had brain damage from an event in my youth. Thought for a time I wouldn't be able to go into my field. You need to grind studying and HW. A lot of college success is not based on how smart you are, but how hard you work.

As you work hard, you sharpen your mind as well. Basically, you have to learn and learn until you cry over a problem. Take every opportunity to speak to TAs and the professor, and keep asking questions.

Good luck, fren.

great advice fren

Don't forget to take internships, no one wants to hire an engineer at $70k/yr who has no experience when there are plenty of other engineers with experience who they can hire.

Hi fren have you tried coding the computer? I wasn’t good at school either, and I didn’t have any mobivtation in boring classes but I kept learning how to write codes (especially in my free time) and now I make lots of money and have purpose.

Sometimes people are too dumb for school and get bad grades, but sometimes people think too much and realize that they are just being indoctormated and get bad grades because deep down they don’t want to accept the endoctorbation.

Hey fren. I did very poorly my first few years of undergrad. My last year and a half I stopped doing drugs and started working out more and everything in my life started improving and now I’m working on my PhD. Obviously your solutions will be different, but start with small permanent changes that will improve your life. Baby steps. You got this friend. Follow your passions no matter what a piece of paper says.

Just keep your head up and work hard fren! I maed it thru and you can too!