Frens, I think I'm putting on some weight? Any helpful tips? :(

1  2018-10-28 by CxBountyHunter


Start with small permanent changes. Try not drinking as much soda. Then track what you actually eat. You might find out that you can cut down a little bit each day.

I like that people actually give helpful tips to posts on this sub

It's what frens do.

Cute the soda and sugar Those are the 2 worst things you can put in your body.

But pop is good and I fucking hate water, it tastes for fucking awful where I live.

Bottles are the way to go

Tea is a good alternative for frens. Either herbal or black/green. Less caffeine than coffee and it's quite good.

Mio shots and similar are an alternative, but are heavy in artificial sweeteners which also aren't good for you. You could add a little lemon juice to your water to help with the taste if you want a natural alternative.

Squirt some lemon juice into it fren.

Try a water filter. Water filter merchant has some very good ones.

What's your diet like fren? Try drinking water more often and stay away from cheap trash goodies

Hit the gym fren! How will you secure the pillow fort with weak muscles and flabby arms?

put down the fork fren

Intermittent fasting. Stop eating 4 hours before you go to bed and don't eat until 4 hours after you wake up. Basically no late dinner and no breakfast.

Stack keto on top of IF

Eat less bugs and more greens

If you are going to cut out carbs and sugar which I recommend you to do. Have no exceptions other wise your stomach will hurt for a while. Walking around is a great low effirtvway if loosing weight

hi sweetie, well i think like some others are saying my advice is to cut out snacking!!! just like fatty and bad snacks. you can have a granola bar and yogurt and stuff and well i know this sucks but just one (instead of many) till your next meal. when i was a bit younger in junior high this helped me a lot!! i’m still chunkie now but i lost like 10lbs just doing that and having small snacks. although you might feel hungry still it will hold you over and it is definitely healthier than starving yourself! gl fren!!!

I am also overweight fren. My problem areas are chips and eating too late at night. I know I can make some improvements and do better for myself in the future.


Workout and diet change or selfbop, fren. tuff luv is best luv

Hey Fren,

Find an activity you can do on a weekly/regularly scheduled basis, be it basketball or climbing or a "Wednesday walk" or whatever. It has to be physical and have 3 hours devoted to it on a week night.

Another good tip is to get into the service industry. Waiting tables, bartending, bussing keeps you on your feet and makes you some extra cash