I have to work overtime today to cover for a fren

1  2018-10-26 by RedRoverComingOnOver


I'm covering a double shift tomorrow for a "fren". 9 hours. I think they're not my frens. Frens wouldn't let me do that.

All I want to do is play Red Dead. Sorry to hear about your situation fren

Red dead is one of my favorite games. Yeah, coworkers are mean. My only fren is God. He's a good fren.

I cover shifts all the time for “frens” sometimes I wonder if they really are my frens

Ther not but they gib moor muny.

I got of 12 hour shift next week fren. I am sorry.

Stop wagecucking, fren. Gotta live that NEET life

NEET is degenerate fren

Much more time for red dead if you NEET, fren

That's true fren. I will tell my parents I'm moving back in tonight. Thanks for the advice :)

Good luck fren, tell bitch mommy to have tendies for you when you return

HEY! Don't call mummy b-word, that isn't the fren way

You're right fren, no mommy = no NEET life

Think about that sweet overtime pay tho friend. More monies = more tendies.