Hi frens, unfortunately me not so smart, not have many options, should join military?

1  2018-10-23 by CxBountyHunter


Yes and get them to pay for your trade school

Welding is a great option. Always has open spots in my experiance. Really good at it just fucking hate doing it :P

You could also become an electrician or do HVAC, solid career and are gonna be one of the very last jobs to be automated if they ever are.

Honestly I am probably gonna go into IT. I like computers. I just don't want to do anything school related. I fucking hated school.

redpill me on welding, i've heard it fucks your body up if you do it full time

redpill me on welding, i've heard it fucks your body up if you do it full time

redpill me on welding, i've heard it fucks your body up if you do it full time

No fren, I don't want u be kill :(

Yes! You can go bop the non frens, and they are a cheap option to get ahead in life! Do us proud, fren!

Don't get married right before you before joining the military fren

Also u don't need a Challenger or Rousch Mustang as an E1.

Never marry a stripper you met at a bar near base.

If your stripper girlfriend says you knocked her up, ask for a paternity test.

Never give your stripper wife power of attorney while you're on deployment.

Never buy a car at more than 10% interest, preferably 4%.

Never let your stripper wife drive the Mustang or Challenger bought at 27% interest.


this fren knows his frens

This fren had a fren lose his signing bonus to his stripper wife with POA and one who wrapped a 'Busa around a tree and still can't walk right.

is good idea fren.

but do your homework, it's a big commitment after all. If you do things right, you can make decent money, fren!

I’m thinking about joining too fren! :)

Fly Force Fren here, good time, come hang out! Also, Coast Frens have good assignments.

If joining Fly Force, make sure to get a guaranteed job before going in, even if it means waiting a couple of extra months, it's entirely the right move. You don't want your first 4 years in the Fly Force to be you driving a school bus from the flight line to Base Ops or Billeting. Get a useful job for when you retire or separate.

Good luck fren!

No fren fight ur own wars, not someone else's. Also, i dont want u be kill either :(

I tried to join fren, but had epillep-C when was a boy :( Good Luck to army frens

I did fren! What branch are yuo looking at? Any em-oh-ess yuo like?

No fren! You may die for long nose wars. Long nose laugh at dying frens. No war for long nose.

go army

Don't die for Israel fren

Fren military isn’t just for stupid ppl. Plenty of smart frenz here to help u become smart fren

Military won't accept you if IQ is under 85.

But if you're above that yea go ahead.

Fren, I admire your patriotism. But don’t die for Israeli interests, we need all the frens we can take.

yes fren, join the mobile infantry and save the world. sevice guarantees citizenship !

Betcha ur doing ur part

Icefag detected Cx in the chat frens

This fren had a fren lose his signing bonus to his stripper wife with POA and one who wrapped a 'Busa around a tree and still can't walk right.