IRL friend was a meanie towards me today, i told him plz say sorry but he said i was the one being mean n rude and made me apologize instead. Thanks for being here frens, u all dunt make me ever feel sad

1  2018-10-16 by _UwU_Wuts_This


Irl friend sound like nonfren watch out

U sound right fren, irl means dubious inentions unlike here where evryon is frennly :)

U always got fren here fren :D

: D tht why ths is bst sub hands dwn

Sounds like your fren was calling out in pain while he was striking you. Be *very* wary little fren.

IRL person may be an NPC. No point associating with such people.

Your fren may end up in self defense situation.

Fairpoint fren. I tlk it ovr with him now, we gud but still the altercation reminded me why this sub is the best : D