Just found out my great great great step grandfather was a nonfren

1  2018-10-15 by CxBountyHunter


Fren genes are superior to nonfren genes. Pretty good chance your great great great stepfadder's genes are withering and cowering in fear of your fren genes.

It happens to errybody, Fren. My ancestors were Proud Moroccans who crossed the Mediterranean to rape the European southerners. Then those same “Europeans” came to America to Rape an Basketball American Slave. Now u hav me! Genetics is a shitshow.

i have spanish in me so I probably have some of you in me too fren, morrocans rwape spain :((

We’re brothers and we’re happy and we’re colored! Ahehaha! I like you fren

I am 1/1054 nonfren

Fren, it doesn't matter as long as you are fren. We love you the same

Last week, I just found out both my parents were black. I feel your pain fren.