Gib milkies

1  2018-10-14 by jlesli4671


Hi frens can someone remind me of the quotient rule? Thanks.

(low*dhigh)-(high*dlow) all divided by low square fren

Don't forget it this time fren Dy/dx f(x)/g(x) =(g(x)f'(x) -f(x)g'(x))/(g(x))2

Oh hi MDE fren

How you been?

Is that a nosefren star on ms milkies necklace?

Khazar milkers

I have a weakness for nonfren women

Nice jewelry fren.

Do not let the milkies control the brainies fren

don't let ms milkie make fakie rapie accusations either fren

Dont give in to carnal desires, fren. Turn to jesus.

look frens

Be careful of traps fren

Ignore milkies fren. Milkies are temporary. Frens are eternal!