Shalom frens im here to tell you that we must welcome all of the non frens as non frens provide us with a different type of frenship that is essential for us to prosper and will make fren world a frenlier place.

1  2018-10-13 by THE_DARK_LORD_2k


But nosefren I am concerned that the non frens may bring hate to our blissful world :(

All are welcome, as long as all are frens.

Nonfrens won't assimilate into our fren culture.

Nonfrens want to hurt frens and turn fren culture into nonfren culture

We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for fren children.

The 14 words of frens

Hail victory

Thanks fellow green fren.

B...but nonfrens bop frens...

We must bop nonfrens first, right?

No. No bop nonfrens for being nonfrens. Bop them if they are being nonfriendly and threatening or are boping you our others.

Nonfren's culture is incompatible with fren society.

This post is anti-frenmitic

this is a non fren please don’t bring him back fren or u get bop bop from here

Shylock fren, will you accep non fren into your homeland?

No fren sory but my homeland is full

Aww shucks fren, gess I have to take em all🤔

Make non frens open their non frenly borders first

open borders for nosefrenland <3