Become one with the Lord

1  2018-10-10 by FoxDieEeE


✝️Good day friend

Jesus is the ultimat fren

Caem here 2 say dis. Jesus most best gud fren.

If jesus was a professional bopper, he could bop Muhammad Ali any day

Me on the left going for a walk with my friend.

If jesus was alive today, he would be in our fren community

Jesus always alive fren. He is alive within you. Closest fren possible. Very warm feels.

Amen, fren.

Jesus is my best fren. No frens come before Jesus.

What a fren we have in Jesus!

All our sins and griefs to bear

My dad used to sing this song to me every night before bed when he was tucking me in, I read your post in his voice and it gave me very happy feelings fren :)

I respect christfrens but I am paganfren who believe many gods live in pillow fort in sky.

Turn to Jesus, for he is ultimate fren.

You got a fren in Jesus

Only non-frens don’t believe.

father , son, and holy fren.

Bestest fren to all.