My brain wants to self-bop when i try to social, am i an acoustic fren?

1  2018-10-10 by struggling2life


Gib it time fren. Push yourself but not too much. After some time in true isolation you will eventually naturally switch to being social, just don't stress yourself over it. Not all of us are meant to be uber social. Don't be afred of the dark isolation, it's hard but good, goob lock fren.

But i manage people at a job and doing this successfully requires all the social interactions i couldnt even be bothered with to begin with and basically need to assume alpha male chad role when idek what im doing lol help

Like 6 months ago i was happy by myself in self solitude tf happened and where is my solitude

You're growing up fren, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and taking charge of your life. We're all so proud of you fren!

Oh, I get it, I thought you were some awkward kid who can't accept that he's friendless. In this case idk what else to tell you other than either work on leaving your comfort zone even though at first it will feel like the hardest and most autistic and fruitless thing ever(slowly does get better though, you don't see it as such a big deal once the worst feelings are behind you), or find a different job.

LOL straight facts - that is some key advice though i needed that thanks buddy

As a Chad, you can’t take the alpha male Chad role immediately. Takes time. Took me from age 18-19 to really learn how to properly socialize beyond my geeky friens (who I still love and cherish today), before that I was so incredibly socially awkward. I couldn’t really even carry on a conversation. Keep putting yourself out there and focus on improving bit by bit with parts of a conversation and social body language/tone.

your not acrylic there just mean

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak

LOL im dying

only one of us talked about puppers...

It doesn't mean literally talking about doggo you fucking retard. It means don't do that cutsey soy inspired misspelling shit that is all over the normie subreddits.

silence or i will bop you

Gas yourself, faggot.

Yur not bein good fren fren. You'r honestly actin like a non-fren, or an AHS nosefren here to stir up trouble for frens and get frenworld banned. Begone or we'll bop you.

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak

It's literally a rule. Cut the faggotry out.

siren noises nonfren detected

All you doggoposters need to be banned.

says the literal filth who is a walking psychological profile of the style of user that gets subreddits banned

bop urself

Kill yourself. Unironically. In real life.

You do realize what subreddit your on right?

One where the sidebar specifically says not to doggopost. So don't fucking do it.

it tingles my zoomies

no doggie zoomo rarepupper speak
