Happy Columbus day, but remember, redfrens are frens too if they are frenly :)

1  2018-10-08 by CxBountyHunter


Without red frens America would have taken too long too conquer.

Everyone who's frenly is a fren <3

Red fren here

It's not eurofrens fault for bringing diseases we didn't have immunity to

It happens frens

We'll do better next time

Sorry bout that fren.

It wasn't our fault fren. Can't blame us for what frens did hundreds of years ago.

Naw, I don't feel any personal guilt for it. I appreciate it anyway though fren, gotta look out for each other in these un-frenly times.

Earth has always been an un-frenly place. Violence is the normal for us frens.

That's true. I fear so many frens have grown up unaccustomed to it that they will be in shock when they are presented with the true nature of fren kind.

It’s okay fren, you got us back with your tobacco

And the casinos

I’m sorry to say that I doubt there will be another time. There’s so fee of you guys left. I met a full blooded redfren for the very first time only recently.

I haven't met a frenchman but that doesn't mean they're not a great nation with a heritage. Andrew Jackson forced the tribes apart and onto reservations in the 19th century we're only in isolated locations.

There are more natives in the U.S than Jewish people by a large number, and think of the massive power (some would say they control us) they hold in the U.S. That number of NA's isn't even including the massive amount of North American tribes in Canada that can travel freely either way.

We also own more land than many EU countries, and pull in a shit ton of money from casinos, horse racing, all sorts of shit.

The tribes are still very powerful but the greatest struggle is still poverty, disease, and the susceptibility to alcoholism.

I like your art fren

No. No. no-no-no-no.

Real frens ASSEMBLE!

Just because we're frens doesn't mean we have to surrender what makes us different from our other frens. True frens can be different from each other and want their children to stay different without compromising their frenship, unless youre a nonfren....

What makes us frens is the fact that we’re frenly and like frenship :) being different is okay and can even be a good thing. So long as they’re frenly

I always wanted to be a redfren when I was a kid.