ive been feeling very depressed lately frens. what are good things that can cure it

1  2018-10-07 by Xesequor


Write your dream day fren, minute by minute. Then refer to it until you start to unconsciously move towards it.

Hey buddy. All moods are created by neurotransmitters and hormones in the body. But external factors can cause it too.

Are you taking care of your body? (I struggle with this. It's alright if you haven't got to it yet but I recommend it.) Usually a 5-10 minute walk before bed is enough to increase the good thoughts.

If it's truly severe, I would regret not mentioning r/kratom. It's a wonderful plant that gave me the cushion I needed to recover from emotional trauma. Very powerful mood boost.

Supplements you can take for hormone health: B-Complex, Zinc, Magnesium Glycinate, Vit D3, and Boron is a dirt cheap supplement increasing in popularity that boosts testosterone. Higher T = better moods. You'll find it easier to be optimistic and your stress response won't be as overwhelming.

Good luck fren. I hope you feel better. šŸ™‚

Careful with that kratom, fren. It can be considered a moderate opiate if used improperly. It started giving me sleep loss and muscle tension after about a month of use. Look on r/quittingkratom for better insight on the problems it can cause. But I would definitely recommend some form of exercise. It can be hard at first, but afterwards your brain will reward you with a nice serotonin boost to give you a nice sense of accomplishment and relief.

Thank you but I'm well aware. The title of 'opiate' doesn't tarnish it's name though. Out of everything I've ever tried for depression, kratom has been the only thing to make a dent for me. It's more than a simple opiate. There are 50 different alkaloids in the plant with different effects. It has a useful purpose for sufferers of mental illness or PTSD. YMMV.

I've quit it once, made it through withdrawals and continued to abstain for months. But it worked so well that I decided to begin use again. This time however it will be with strict regulation.

That's good, it helped me quite a bit at first. But as time progressed it started causing more harm than help for me, mainly because I was using more and more. Then again, its different for each person. I'm glad it works for you and others, but for me it only helped at first I think.

You're a good fren

Honesty exercise and a good diet will cure almost any emotional trouble in your life.

Just keep youā€™re head up, go for a walk, lift some weights, try yoga or stretching.

Musi alway cheer up me I love a lot oof kayne west

Go out and get some exercise fren! Also, donā€™t forget to soak up some vitamin D and get some Sunshine! Iā€™ve been experimenting with various seasonal lamps in the winter time and they seem to do me a decent fren! Above all, love yourself! We all love you fren!


We're all in this shit together

Itā€™s hard to get into right off the bat because of lack of motivation but you should draw a bit, give yourself a minute of just drawing whatever and see if you get into it. I hope you feel better fren, depression and intrusive thoughts are the worst

Adding on, something that helped me in the same vein fren. If you catch yourself idling on negative thoughts for >2 minutes straight, think of what you would love to do instead. It can be anything, including what might be impossible, like being a astronaut. But take that idea and start writing down (pen and paper work best, but just make a word doc if no paper) how you could accomplish it.

The how doesn't matter, it could involve regrowing legs with nanomachines. The point is to put your mind into a positive framework of how to solve problems in your life.

Try it with the outlandish first. Its a little embarassing at first, but no one knows your doing it unless you tell them. After running the process a few times you'll notice when you hit a roadblock your brain will start looking for solutions.

Get out that paper and write it out. When something on the list seems "impossible" to do, get out another sheet and figure out the impossible part or work on another way thats possible.

I've done this for 20 years, it helps your brain wrap around how not so bad things are, and literally gives yourself a step by step how to fix your problems.

Spend time with Frens.

Therapy too.

Hello stranger fren,

Iā€™m also depressed for a long time. But hereā€™s what my therapist tell me to do and it had helped me a lot :) Just write down all the thoughts you have when youā€™re mad and see what you can change or not. Are you sad because youā€™re lonely at work/school? Is it because of you? Or because other peopleā€™s preference? If there is nothing you can do about how other people feel, then donā€™t be so sad about it. If youā€™re depressed about you- is there anything you can do? If not, donā€™t think much about it. Find new hobbies: Find new things to do if youā€™re alone, not games and anything that donā€™t require your movement mate! Buy some a4 papers and try drawing, maybe! Or you can buy a model kit of your dream car, or your dream aircraft. Buy some weights and set out your goals on how many lifts youā€™re gonna do a day, a roller to train your stomach muscles. See some instructions on the internet to see how people can strengthen their muscle with weights! Also ,donā€™t sit at your home all day. Walk around your town a little bit, sometime treat yourself (buy your fav candy or food) might make you feel better!

Good luck! If you want to, pm me anytime!

Mental health depends a lot on physical health. Take care of yourself, fren

I feel like this too sometimes fren. What works the best for me is to sleep at least 8 hours a night and to exercise almost everyday. The trick is to find a type of exercise that you at least sort of enjoy, so you'll keep doing it. The gym isn't for me(I ride bicycles instead), but some frens like the gym. Also try to have a healthy diet, but the most important part of that is not to have much sugar, sugar is really bad for your mood and can cause mood swings.

I love you fren, you're not alone. Were all going to make it.

i thought sugar made u happier fren?

It does for a little bit, but then later you feel worse than before.

good ideas and tips here! thank you frens.

Hey fren, do what your other frens said an also maybe take 2-3 valerian root before bedtime. I get sad when I don sleep so good, fren.

yu hav a ļ»æļ½“ļ½ļ½†ļ½…ļ½”ļ½™ ļ½‚ļ½Œļ½ļ½Žļ½‹ļ½…ļ½”??