So is this a white supremacist sub or what?

1  2018-10-06 by friedeggo256


No, go get someone else banned

This is for frens

Do we seem like white supremacists?

We are green fren supremacists, and you nonfren don't seem to be green.

Yes you seem like white supremacist d-bags.

“Omg we TRIGGERED them with a DUMB CARTOOON SO CLEVER!! I 💗 Tomi Lahren!!”

Hahahahahaha the battle of non frens vs. straw man Goliath never gets old.

You are sick in the head non fren. I can't even be mean to you anymore.

((Non fren))

So yes then.

Be gone non fren before I bop you

Whatever the fuck that means

Yes because that proves it.

I fist fought'ed a child today.....I didn't won.....

Go get another sub banned, nonfren

just posting green frogs, any parallels you see are from your warped psyche

Slash current events 2016-present

Kinda like saying drawing swastikas are just harmless lines

you an internet hall monitor, embarrassing individual