I did not bop the non fren. It is a vicious and malicious claim.

1  2018-10-03 by ccggnore


You’re just en entitled green man!!! With you’re green man privilege!!!

 I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her!

[throws water bottle]

I did naahtt. Oh hi, Fren.

Maybe nonfren deserved to get bopped, maybe nonfrens are trying to destroy the friendship of us frens 🤔🤔🤥🤔🤔


My name is Ryan

That’s a nice name fren 👍🏻👍🏻


Is your frenly name really Ryan, fren?

Sorry but incels are NOT frens


But... Fren?

Henlo Ryans! Me Ryan as well! Can Ryans of the world unite?

Yes they can fren. But I am no Ryan, I am michael

Nice to meet you Michael fren, I am Ryan fren! We must both secure the existence of our namefrens and a future for namefren children

Good, fren. We will protect the names of all namefrens, let us create a post of all fren names

monet ystävät tuhoavat sinut fyysisesti ja henkisesti. He raiskasivat sielusi.

I agree with Finnish fren!

"I did not have frensual relationships with Ms. Frensinsky"

i believe you fren



Frenpride parayd when

Even if you did fren always protects fren against the nonfren

the (((nonfren)))

Frens should always be considered innocent until proven guilty.

outrageous claims for such a good fren

Sorry but incels are NOT frens
