i love my doggo frens

1  2018-10-03 by Xesequor




I luv dat u luv ur doggie fren

Aww thank you I love you two

Doggos are apu's best fren for a reason, fren

that looks like a very good boye

Help! Dog fren is bitng mi piipe!

Cum in he ass

Das wy he bit 😢

Idk fren try bitng back

He bit throt! Am bledding!

Quik stab doggo hes 2 powrful!

Hes fuccing mi budd! Still beeding! HALP

2 l8 fren, doggo is aftr us all now 😫😭

Run... fren... I die... cum in my budd... bleh 😵

Should I get a puppy? I don't want shit and piss all over my new apartment.

yu can always get a catto too fren. i will be adopting a new kitten soon

Spell shit right retard


ok moron

blocked for being a retard

Is this our own HormelCoffee?

dumb fucking baby speak

wish i was hormel because hes dead

U seem new here fren

boop snoot zoomies!

kattos ar better fo student-frens, fren.. Make ure you choose a freny one

What the fuck are you even saying here

kattos = kitty? Maybe? idk

My dog passed away a few days ago 😔😔

I’m sorry fren

Thank you for the support fren

this place is a fucking circus

bummer fren

I luv my pitty fren

eww um sweaty

i luv my pitty it helpd me go thru with a late term abortion❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️also helped me get rid of the neighbors loud children❤️❤️❤️❤️

That's a happy dogo, fren

i want to get a malamute once i own my own lands
