Why only 50 frens online? This not normal, are nonfrens hiding us from eachother :(

1  2018-10-02 by CxBountyHunter


Sorry fren I had work :(

78 frens now. Donโ€™t cry fren.

93 and rising! I'm hope all my friends had a great day!


It's not the amount of frens that mater

It's the amount of frendship in each fren :)))

I was on biek ride fren.

pls teach me fren, my little frog legs can't reach the peddles :((

Iโ€™m here fren

Some time fren are busy. But frens always love each other fren

I'm here fren

Reporting for duty

fren here now.

frens are sleep

i have colleg fren