Mom sed its my turn on da eggsbogs

1  2018-10-02 by IEscapedFromArea51


If you eraze my Crash Bandicoot save this time, I will bop you.

Dun name my charagter cumlicker in kotor again an we have a deal.

You deserve that for saving over my pokemon save

if u 2 fite all the time, u will never be frens. one needs to make the move an be nice 2 the other so u can be frens. frenship comes from unconditonal love.

fine but I get half of your kraft mac n cheese at dinner

Hrmmm.... fine.

Not fine! You're a growing boy and you need your nutrients.

But... a deal's a deal.... fug.

That's true. Maybe grab a handful of his fries when hes not looking.

Good idea fren.

U wanna 1v1 on Shipment, fren?

ur on

We have plays tashun for everyone inside the pillow fort. You are most welcum (no eggsbogs because they spy on data unlike honourable Nippon frens)

Am I allowed in fren? Aslo, can bring frens?

Sure. Let me set up a save for you. I’ll stick around to give you tips and tricks if you need them

Tank you fren

fren, your 666 height did not go unnoticed

Tank you fren