Frens know who the enemy is

1  2018-10-02 by timeforgas


bop the nonfren

With zyklon b

Shut it down! The frens know!

Do all the frens here know who own the media?

Yes fren. Long nose tribe are trying to ruin our frenship ;(

Long nose enemy make documentaries that create fight amongst frens. If all frens unite long nose tribe funny hats will fall off.

If you want to know which non fren rules the world, just find out who you can not criticize

jeez fren !!! u dont want AHS bopping us do u? 0:!

It just wasn't possible to bop 6,000,000 non frens in the purported amount of time with the current technology.

fren ur giving againsthatesubreddits a reason to be mean to us again :(

OP fren should chill it with anti-nonfrenism.

Can we ban political stuff?

This isn’t a non political subreddit, newcomer. If you just want cute apu pics then use r/Pepe or whatever

r/lostredditors, or an AHS agent? Hmmmmm

Yes, I’m the AHS agent, not the guy who wants happy merchants banned. This sub was created right after the mde ban and the jokes here are practically the same as the mde inside jokes, but it’s not political, just like mde was not political

Where the fuck do you see politics, it's literally a sub composed entirely of bed-thought before actually waking up mixed with a child's love. There's literally a pillow fort post, good lord.

That's a BOP

Hey fren! You're feeding the AHS cronies

No bop nonfren fren. Nonfrens watch us closely.


This is how fren world gets bopped OP, AHS eats this stuff up.

Frens, AHS wil get this. :(

mod please delete this I don’t want this sub to shut down

Bop the non fren