Tfw my fren says she doesn't have a crush on me when I confessed my feelings to her

1  2018-10-01 by cubev10


dont cry :( ull alwas hav ur frens!

there’s plenty of frens in the sea fren

It ok fren. I feel ur struggle. She not a reel fren

is ok fren ill be ur fren

Fren lower your standards until girls meet you halfway

The real frens are always in the comments

Fat frens will always be there for you OP


you'll find someone bro

She’s missing out fren

She just wasn’t for you Fren I believe you just haven’t met your soulmate yet! Love and happiness is just round the corner, you just wait and see!


It's a blessing in disguise fren. Most women are only slightly smarter than children, maybe just as selfish. Call it unpopular idc. My opinion. I speak as a professional man with valuable experience too. I still show respect to them regardless.

The good few do exist, but that's a lifelong goal to make a life partner. It's better that you establish yourself first. Create a namesake and a legacy. With that pride and honor comes greater attraction and greater conviction.

Women aren't attracted only to physical aesthetics. They're attracted to power, confidence, knowledge, and the kind of character that comes from achieving a lot.

TL;DR: It truthfully does not matter if you get rejected. Don't obsess over it. I've made those mistakes and lost years of peace and clarity. Girls are LUCKY to have your attention. Head up! Be strong.

Bad incel fren.

I wouldn't call it celebacy... it's VERY voluntary. I still have regularish casual sex but it's not an important part of my life. No pride gained from it.

Call it pretentious or selfish but it's a very tangible issue of contention being someone with a high percentile IQ (r/verysmart I know). It's easy to end up isolated from people. Women even easier. Close to all women I've met including all family members have been childish and vain. I can think of only 2 girls immediately who are moral and accomplished, but that's it.

Do I show them the necessary outward respect and well wishes? Definitely.

I'm fortunate enough to have way bigger aspirations than just surfing through girls, blowing money and getting disappointed bc women are fickle and childish. I think some start to find their senses/morality in later age.

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Eh I was making a joke. Even though I strongly disagree with you and your beliefs I can respect the way you think. Especially since you admit to showing them “respect and well wishes.”

I’ll make an edit to my joke :)

Hey it's alright fren not mad at u. U good fren

Just clarifying for others that come and read : )

Yay frens

It’s okay fren, through this we become stronger and learn to steel ourselves. Rejection is part of life. And if she rejects you, then she doesn’t deserve you. Fren, we are your frens and will stay your frens. Keep looking, you’ll find the girl fren you deserve some day
