Frens me very sad on dis day. Many my frens ban on reddit and me very sad at nonfrens being meanie to other frens. Nonfrens also want ban us too. Please pray for the frens who have fallen frens.

10  2018-09-30 by randomincel2018


What subs were banned today? I was working

Not today fren and shorree fr confuzhun me very shtreshd. It wush ackshually kwaranteened

Dawg I'm being serious.

haha a bunch. not today though, like a day or two. They quarantined r/cringeanarchy, r/braincels, r/theredpill (but tbf that sub was gay) and r/watchpeopledie.

Rip, I mean braincels was pretty gay.

It was funny though lol. Not that serious and memes were spicy

I mean it's sad tho homie.