This is your general, since being defrended by the nosefrens I've been in hiding. Doing research, preparing for the nosefren armageddon. What I've found may shock you. Links in comments below.

8  2018-09-30 by Taterbard


You’ve gotta stop you’re being weird

Smells like nonfren

Your upset because someone made another discord and now your digging through people’s post history trying to smear them because you’re mad they didn’t mod you. It’s weird.

I am not upset at my countrymen, but I must do my duty to the people

(also not being modded was never an issue it was being banned from his discord and the way he acted on it)

u were never banned u were just kicked

That's a relief nosefren

nonfren out pls dis for frens only

Ur troo fren

no prolem mi fren. we all frens here and me love u like a trufren

That's a relief nosefren