Hello frens! Can a fren help me understand what's happening in this sub?

0  2018-09-30 by Rachel_Zloom

There are many cryptomeanings from what I can see...

From what I understand this sub is associated with the right-wing... But I am not sure what's happening haha



The only associations made in frenworld are against non-frens. Frens come in all shapes and sizes. Some frens have strong opinions, some frens dont. As long as your a fren and not a non-fren you'll do just fine.

I wanna be a fren! I am not sure what a fren is haha

You sound like not a non-fren. You'll be a great fren! Welcome!

Thanks, fren

Frens can be tacos like me.

imagine actually seeing cryptomeanings in a bunch of frogs

imagine thinking this place is associated with the righ-wing

we're all frens here, please go

I wanna be a fren too!

I think there are cryptomeanings, that's why it's awesome :)

Open your heart for me, fren. Don't be a non-fren

It’s ok we know you’re not a fren using a burner account


Only a nonfren would need to ask how to be a fren >:(