FrenTip: if you ar feeling sad and lonley, go look at the night sky! it always makes me feel a million times beter...

99  2018-09-29 by 22Yesterday22


Do your botle hav LSD inside fren? Carful with LSD.

not sure fren, a smelly grown up in the woods gave me the bottle! i sure feel funny thouh...

uh-oh stay positive fren!

Main thing is to not panic, it will pass :))

I like your pajamas fren!

thank you fren my momm made them for me! do yuo want her to make you a pair? we can match :)

Look fren! A shotting star! I hiope you made a wish

oh h you bet i did fren :)

I don't see a single star, fren.

come over to my house then silly! you kno yuo are always welcum here :) plus this way we will both be less lonley and sad!

you are a tru fren