Why do nonfrens hate yahtzee so much? ;(

104  2018-09-29 by JasonPegasi


When will the (((nonfrens))) learn that it's not Pepe it's Apu

Boomers: -look at gaming PC- "Oh is that a nintendo?"

Normies: -look at Apu- "oh is that a pepe?"

nonfrens are out of touch they're like young old people

They are racist. To them all green frogs look the same. Unbelievable given that its 2k18.

I thought AHS was shut down. Lol admins must really want reddit to lose half of its user base once Voat gets upgraded

They fear the power of Frens n positivity.

What a bunch of humorless cunts. Do these neckbeard faggots really think they've made a difference in the world when they shut subs down?

I mean, bop the nonfrens ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿธ

Don't use such language fren. But for the most part I agree

Somehow 4chan has driven liberals (nonfrens) to the point of lunacy. I find this amusing


Libtards ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Bopped ebic style!

Lik an subsrib

Subsrib 3 keemstar

Iโ€™m just here for the cute Pepe/Apu pics.

Fuck outta here with any political stuff

You can thank liberals for politicizing this. Donโ€™t shoot the messenger.

Nonfrens make apu political, it confuse me ;(. Dis y i post

Why is frenship "pathetic"? They acting like not having positivity in your life whatsoever is a goal

nonfrens just like to be mad

frens are always positive :)

Nonfrens dont have humor:(

The frenless should fear the frens

Just red their comments. Y'all boped those nonfrens HARD!

Bop the nonfrens with zyklon b

frens uber alles

Because fren's beauty must not perish from the earth

Attacking a sub about positivity and non offensive humor because one nonfren made a bad comment?

Bopped ebic style!