This is my bopper. There are many like it, but this one is mine.👊🏻🐸

18  2018-09-29 by majtommm

My bopper is my best fren. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my bopper is useless. Without my bopper, I am useless. I must bop my bopper true. I must bop straighter than my nonfren who is trying to bop me. I must bop him before he bops me. I will...

I will keep my bopper clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...

Before Apu, I swear this creed. My bopper and myself are the defenders of r/frenworld. We are the masters of nonfrens. We are the saviors of our frens. So be it, until there are no nonfrens, but only true frens.



I'm so grateful for all my frens but there's still much to do! 💪🏻 Beware the nonfrens 👺 and be ready to bop👊🏻 at a moment's notice!

A fellow meme war veterun! Wut unit did u fight in?