sometiems during battle u need a boost so you have to have your fren help you. thank u fren!

39  2018-09-28 by Gurotan


apu und frens

Katyusha is fren?

Apples and pears were blossomin Mist on the river floating On the bank katyusha stepped out On the high steep bank.

Stepped out, started a song About one grey steppe eagle About her loved one Whose letters she cherished.

Oh song, maiden's song Fly towards the clear sun And to the warrior on a far away border Bring katysha's greeting.

May he remember this simple maiden And hear her signing May he save our motherland And love, katyusha will save

I need to rewatch this scene, I normally dislike moe but god damn do I love tanks and this anime delivered on some badass tank battles. They knew what their viewers wanted with the movie and gave us almost 2 hours of tank fights, absolutely glorious.