Am extremely drunk frens, how long should I wait to drive home. Help me get home safe frens

99  2018-09-28 by Taterbard



Naw I ain't trying to crash here

I should be sober in an hour or two

Drink some water, eat some crackers, and drive home in about hour fren

Call mr Uber fren, he drive u home for money but you no crash in a tree

I did

Nice one fren, stay safe out there

hope u made it home ok fren

Am saf

be safe fren

seriously driving drunk endangers literally everyone around you. it is disgusting behavior

You are good fren. Smart fren too. No drive drunk only non-frens do dumb stuff like that.

Am drinking Fren will not driving

Me happy you home safe. Did hammer accidently get you in touble fren?