Frens...they banned /r/CringeAnarchy

183  2018-09-27 by Right-Wing-Chad


no, its just quarantined fren

What does that mean?

itsa new idea (<1hour old)

way for nonfrens to choke out frens without going full bop

nonfrens did this a couple of years ago to frens but stopped doing it for awhile

its like a tidal wave

bop comin soon fren

I can't find SubOfPeace either. How do I get past the quarantine??

direct link seems to work, then you need to "opt in"

like half the funcitonality is stripped away though with the potential for more

Can you send me a direct link? I can't even see my own posts I made there.


I get community unable. You do not have access to view this sub. I get no option to agree.

Not sure what's going on then. I typed the link into my browser, got the prompt to opt in, and now I can see it as normal. I wasn't even subscribed to it before.

So cool, more admin fuckery to look forward to.

Gotta do it on desktop.

I’m on mobile and can’t see them even with NSFW content turned on.

I'm using the browser on my PC and having no problems, might be what's stopping you. Maybe they're just censored completely from mobile?

Maybe it's just such an underused feature they never wrote the button into the mobile site.

No, you have to log in on the desk top fren! Accept the quarantine notice, open the app and it will be there!

Holy shit, the "warning" page has a link on how to leave a hate group.

If you want to leave a group don't you just, like, stop being a member?

It seems to be tailored somewhat depending on the sub. r/SubofPeace and subs like r/WhiteBeauty have links an anti-hate group """help""" organisation, whereas r/theredpill has a link to """"positive masculinity"""" sources. r/FULLCOMMUNISM has a link to historical communist atrocities and some like cringeanarchy don't have any links at all, just the line about explicit content. What a meme.

Acknowledging that white women are beautiful is hateful.

Acknowledging that non-white women are beautiful isn't?

I'm so confused.

I don't think that's the problem with WW. I believe the it is quarantined for the constant racism in the comments. I'm not saying I agree with quarantines though.

So is BlackPeopleTwitter going to be banned? They're pretty racist against whites.

Honestly, I doubt it.

They say the n-word though, and that's apparently why CA is having issues. Rumor I've heard is that if they just banned that word they'd be a lot closer to being un-quarantined.

Asking the important questions.

no, its just quarantined fren

ouch oof :(

So they “quarantined” it. I can’t view it on mobile or even view my own posts. Wtf.

That makes me so mad.. reddit admins are total weiners.

They updated it now so that you can see it mobile. Quarantine is still retarded tho

Not me

I think you have to view it on desktop first and click "okay" to it being a quarantined sub and then it should show up for you on mobile

Check my recent post

You can browse it on phone again after going PC/desktop ver. and confirming that you want to enter the subreddit.

Admins are nonfrens.

Day of the bop soon brother Hulk Hogan.

Fourteen Hulk Hogans?!

88 bops fren.

Don't worry fren, they can never destroy the frendostate!

i think CA is back

This site is run by ((non frens)) we must fight back

goodbye frens :(

/r/cringeanarchy is not frenly sub. They are cringe. /r/fw and /r/sop are much better.

r/subofpeace got banned too

They are they support us fren

/r/fw and /r/sop are down

Ok fren but why are you on CA in the first place? Cringe and blue-pilled

They invaded us and got MDE banned so it's only fitting we went there.

no... they couldn't have... that's- that's absurd fren! please tell me you're lying!

stay strong, frens D:

we all knew this day would come... brace yourselves for the days to come!

Isn’t this illegal?

first they came for the fren of frens :(

I wonder if they can restore the MDE subreddit now and just make it opt in quarantined?

Don’t worry frens, we will come back stronger

shhhhh don’t give the nonfrens a bad image of us, they don’t understand that we are a sub of lov and peac


Kill the (((non frens)))

What the frick what do we do now this site sucks