IMPORTANT FRENLOG UPDATE: FUTURE RULE and More on "nonfrens" and their failed brigade on this sub

138  2018-09-27 by FoxDieEeE

So if you frens didn't notice we recently got brigaded by a certain subreddit filled with nonfrens after they made a post full of lies and other things :(

Had to deal with a lot of nonfrens causing trouble but its all handled now.

Now onto new rule: do not mention AHS, just ignore them. they are an irrelevant subreddit compared to us :

They can't even match our numbers and the only way they try to stay relevant is by causing drama with much cooler, purer, and not mentally ill communities

so just ignore any of their poor attempts at trying drama because any subreddit that would try and start drama with fun and love is probably a sub full of pathetic people

keep being frens :)


The corruption runs deep frens, our very leaders have become questionable. Trust no one except your military leaders, there are nonfrens everywhere, even in green.

The fact that people exist that want to ban me from posting frogs with my online frens says a lot about our society.

post more frenfrogs

I see you a lot fren, I mostly lurk but feel like we might be soul frens :)


Says that we live in a society, rise up frens

We live in a fren-ciety

Bottom text

I love this sub, there’s so much positivity even though nonfrens want to oppress us :( I lov u frens


Someone teach a fren how to draw good frens?

Hi newfrens :)

We must close the borders to new frens until we can sort the nonfrens from the frens.

Also remember to report non-frens if they're being really naughty. admins wont see it but us mods will.

Glad to see you back in action fren.