"frenworld is a nazi hate sub and we should ban it"

588  2018-09-27 by THE_DARK_LORD_2k


Medi we hav a injued teens hear

Nonfren must have been bopped too many times

JSYK we have archives of what the first few weeks of /frenworld looked like when you were all consoling yourselves about your alt-right hate subs being banned.

Then you cleaned it up, but we still have the archives.

Col frens Wii welcum al disagremens


Nonfren pls leave me house

archive what? why should i care? frenworld is for frens and a bug like you is not a fren.

You need to go back, non fren


Bop the nosefren

Use your real account you sad insecure sack of shit

Fucking anime fags ruining frenworld

This is pathetic.

Their post over this sub was pathetic. The "antisemitism" is someone saying "Joos." HahahHa these people can't be serious

"White nationalist dog whistles" was a picture of a frog family...

That is pure retardation

Go back to AHS nonfren


Nonfrens are not welcome here.

I highly recommend you leave, nofren. If you hate us that much, then just fucking leave.

Who the fuck brigades frenworld, you complete left-wing, cuck bag? S Get back to watching your wife's boyfriend's son.

Don’t u have better shit to do?


Wow I’m really scared of this big guy who knows what archive.is is


So fragile...

Yeah ok, coming from an ahs fag. Do you realize how dumb that is? You literally can’t handle a subreddit about frens and Pepe the frog. Please, for the love of God, do something productive instead of whining on reddit about subs you don’t like. Lmao

It's a fucking frog

Why do the AHS hate our fren-frog :( there should be a /r/antiantifrensubreddits

So autistic he doesn't realise we're making fun of the ahs mod...

Such is life with non frens.


You have been #bopped

They don't sound like good frens

hope all you frens have agood day : )


Nazis? Is that related to the game Yahtzee? I loved playing the latter with frens. Good wholesome fun.

Be carefil playin on that latter fren, I leerned that one that hard way :D

Are you ok fren?

goodbye frens :(

They'll never destroy our frenship fren, no worry

R u feling ok fren? We can get gud thereapis 4 u, kay?