hi frens what is ur favarit cerral? mine is luki charns (but i dont like the cat food part onlie marshmello part)

136  2018-09-27 by bullymamm0th


Life cereal is so good

I've been eating frosted flakes as of recently

thank u 4 ur respons fren :) i also like speshal k with barries n hunny bunch of oots

i heart hunny bunch of oots

my dad likes rasin bran :)

yuck rasins :(

That's okay fren :) we all like diffrent foods

I like kreve

Cinimon tost crunc is my fav

I lik reses puff.


For brekky?!?!?!


For weekly, and tendi for snacks and honey mustie to drank.

You must have a lot of gud fren points!

Govrnmet subsandwiches pay four mini tendi

I'm having flashbacks of /r/Dolan

luv u fren. Hav fun with your seril.

resis pofs r veri gud!! u shud try chocolat penit buddur pebels

Racis puffs good

The Löopš

Honey grahams fren.

Cheerios or granol

Frosty flaks r rely gud fren

Fren, lucky charm can have too much sugar, the cat food is there for texture and so it’s not all mashmele

You can buy the marshmallow part only online yenno

Milk forst then spoon

I like the frooty loopies


I liek sum weird austrian cereal

resis pofs r veri gud!! u shud try chocolat penit buddur pebels


For weekly, and tendi for snacks and honey mustie to drank.