Is this sub actually just about frens

0  2018-09-27 by Behemothical

See a lot of ((())) and the such, as well as a lot of unironic trump supporters, so can’t really tell if there’s a motive in missing.


this sub is unironically about frens. Nonfrens are simply people we don't get along with. All we want is world peace and for nonfrens to leave us alone. Other than that, this is a cozy sub for cozy frens.

Ok thanks. I can be fren now?

Also why do all the trump supporters on this page be antisemite?

all I can say about that is that there is nothing wrong with noticing patterns, fren :) enjoy ur stay in frenworld!


Please go nosefren

Fren plz leave and never return

No I want to be fren pls but not bad fren that doesn’t like other fren pls

Go back to r/againsthatesubreddits

That’s why I’m asking seriously, they said things such as this, I’m just asking.

There seems to be like a couple of bad actors but 95% of posts are just wholesome crudely drawn comics


bye bye :)


