ok im sorry but can someone please explain what is going on with r/AHS?

10  2018-09-26 by The_Shekel_MaisterJR

please im so lost what happened


They're non-frens. They want to bop us.

Were you ever on the MDE subreddit?

Were you ever on the EM-DEE-EE subreddit?

i think there are quite a few frens here who have no idea what MDE is and came across this sub by accident

were starting to see a few of them that dont have a clue. im exited to see where this goes

were starting to see a few of them that dont have a clue. im exited to see where this goes

I’ve never heard of MDE. I’m just here for the frens

i always thought mde was a joke subreddit

It is. AHS didn’t think it was...

They were on like 6 layers of irony.

Non frens hate joy and laughter

Real million dollar extremists never die

we keep telling you fren they are our sworn enemies ! bop all non frens

They are the enemy private. Enlist today to defend home and hearth! Frens we will not stand for this!

AHS are poopybutts