I confusion what is do. Is war with nonfrens? who nonfrens? what is of happen now?

40  2018-09-26 by The_Shekel_MaisterJR


the nonfrens destroyed our home. now they gonna pay

We are being invaded by nonfrens, what you must do is enlist today as protector of the motherland. For frens and family!

actually, I think motherland is usually what is used for russia. seeing as this sub is um.... anyway germany is the fatherland

I tought it was always like Ussr = motherland Russia = fatherland Aka peapole born in the ussr no matter where would call it motherland And fatherland is where from there I guess?

Well it's actually much simpler than that. Fatherland is used by Germanic or Germanic inspired languages while Motherland is used by Eastern Slavs

Woulden’t make Sense for africans or asians calling their countries neither

Nonfrens are anyone threatening the frenostate. All frens are equal as long as they are frens, and nonfrens don't like that