I hereby sign a formal declaration of war with AHS nonfrens. Sign my declaration of frendependence today!

229  2018-09-26 by Taterbard


Where do I sign fren?

Just make sure you leave a note on my yearbook frend

i voted you most likely to be my fren

Make sure to follow the rules of engagement fren, >:D we shall prevail with our overwhelming manpower


We are fren They will not drivid us Together Frens

declaring war on people who hate hate subreddits

double negative methinks

War you nonfren

Burn the nonfren

Signing full name fren Eman Ruoy

Frens united


George Washingfren

Benjamin Frenklin

frens ! we stand as one !

ok i'll sign fren

Will liberty and justice for all frens

Nonfrens get out!


"...and we hold these truths to be self evident, that all Frens are created equal."

why AHS nonfrens have twig up bum-bum, fren?

Why are they so mean :'('''



gott mit uns fren.