Made fort for frens.

559  2018-09-25 by OrionStargazer


Good idea fren

Fren, can I come in?

Me too, Fren

Of course, frens. All frens are welcome. Except nonfrens

Nonfrens have to go back

We must secure the existence of frens and a future for frenlings

You need to add two more words fren

Not if we turn them into frens

Our fort does not contain magic soil that transforms non-frens into frens. Frens are the product of thousands of years of evolution and shared cultural experiences.

We of course continue to respectfully welcome our honorary friends from the east.

Good fren

Well said, fren

What snacks do u have fren?

All snacks fren. Fort is build in kitchen. Blanket on floor so frens don't become coldfrens.

Thank you fren.

May I come fren

Bop the nonfrens fren hug naow

Thanks fren :)

I bring tendies for friens

all frens welcome :)

Build a fort and make the nonfrens pay for it.

fellow frens, this is oppressive fren supremacist culture. Nonfrens are just like you, let them in bigot.

It’s ok to be fren.

I'm literally shaking, this hate speech has no place in the world

Can I come in Fren, please?

Great fort, Fren. Keep up the good work.

  • Fren

sent from my iFren

I bring movie

Which movie fren?

Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin. It’s a great movie for frens.

thanks fren with all the newfrens we are making the fort just got 10 feet higher

Hey Frens can I invite Phil?

im proud i have frens like you guys

Nonfren Bop Squad

no gerls allowed tho