Article 13 just passed in the EU, So Frens may become a thing of the past. :(

73  2018-09-12 by -HypogeanMk2


not in america fren, we wont lose frens

apu is free domain.

A country's copy laws have priority over bad article so we might keep our EU frens :')

we need to invite some open-source frens

long nose enmy!

big (((platforms))) should just block the whole EU's IP range and redirect them to a page with all the cunts who votes Yes on those and their contacts informaton until they are repelled but they would never do that

I agree. It would cause people to take to the streets almost certainly. So I will guess the individuals running the tech companies will be paid off or something.

So, what does this actually mean? I haven't seen anything about it mentioned. Will it effect us in the UK?

Brexit hopefully will save us from what is likely the largest internet filter/scan system since the chinese firewall, Link tax, literally for linking or referencing online articles too. In it's worst form if fully implemented it will scan anything you post or upload and look for copyright violations, even down to individual meme posts -not even joking.

Wow, that's unbelievable. Thanks for letting me know.

doing gods work fren. thanks for the info.