40  2018-09-10 by FoxDieEeE

Hello frens! welcome to log 1!

we are currently in need of moderators for css to make the sub look cool and keep it chill, and also what are you doing to keep your mind in check this autumn?


Mod me pls

whitepills self improvment and comfy threads. and it starts right now frens.

brewing loose leaf tea and growing vegetables while i practice drawing.

i like to draw

Things were good. It's Spring here. Winter to Spring is probably my favourite passage of the year. I was just living frugally, waiting on my paycheck so I can save 15% to put into property, and I'd thought to check my favourite sub in the mean time, and it's gone. I'm not sure where, but it's not where I left it.

why you have to hit me with these feels man...

Been making sourdough bread with a yeast culture, nothing is more satisfying than creating something every step of the way. I'd love to become a frenly neighborhood moderator

I've been going to the gym more, running around campus. Heard there are some nice hiking trails around, I'd like to check them out when the leaves change.

I'm not proud of it, but I modded a degenerate sub with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I know some stuff, mostly automod, I'm can do CSS stuff as well.

I made a fail safe sub for anyone that wants a community without any censorship but I don't know shit about CSS. If you want to do all the work to make it pretty then feel free.

Is it down already?


I’ll be a mod

I'll do it I love the comfyposts

Nursing flowers :-)

I am mod now, thanks.

They may have taken r/MDE and r/BSS from us and possibly more soon, but don’t despair frens we will rebuild and take back what we lost.

This sub isn't about MDE, BSS, ChadRight, or the past

it's about frens

Do the frens happen to be from MDE and related subs because I'm looking for a replacement

That's ban evasion

Started walking places more, keeping myself more active.

Now I'm eating popcorn with all the drama going around.

Unironically: smoked the last of my weed today. Gonna pass that piss test and be making a cool 20 an hour as a driver. Started working out to attract more dommy mommies. 2019 will be my year.

Do the frens happen to be from MDE and related subs because I'm looking for a replacement